Forum > Debugger

Error when debug


I have many years of experience from Delphi and now I also tried Lazarus and FPC om my MacBook with OSX 10.13.6 High Sierra.
I installed Lazarus 2.0.0 and FPC 3.0.4.
I could compile and run programs. But when I debug them these two dialogs is shown.

1. Initialization output: Error: file specified in --source (-s) option doesn't exists: 'ilent'

2. -gdb -set confirm off did not return any result

Any hints what I can do ?

First of all, what are your settings under: Tools > Options > Debugger
"debugger type and path" (dropdown and edit)?

Is your Lazarus a new install, or an update?

While gdb can be used as debugger (if you actually build and signed gdb), it is not the recommended one.

The recommended settings are:
"lldb (with fpdebug)" for the drop down
/usr/bin/lldb   for the edit field

Hi and thanks for the answer. It works now.
Path was correct but debugger was gdb. When change to lldb it works.


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